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Tour from Ombrone to Badia Rofeno Asciano

Track length: 9,94 km
Road bed type: Misto Asfalto/sterrato
Difficulty: Media
Safari 9 - Short route on the heights north of Asciano. Starting from the junction from Rye, on the provincial-Monteroni Asciano, leads to Poderucci and the Moro.
It starts on a dirt road that rises from the valley dell'Ombrone laboriously up to a kind of small plateau. Without particular difficulties to reach the farmhouse "I Poderucci" and soon "Il Moro".
Going uphill you get to Montefiori, the highest point of the route and surrounded by a band of cypress and oak trees. From here you get on Lauretana Antica and turning left, you reach the junction for the Parish.
We proceed left onto a dirt road that connects the town to Badia Rofeno, passing alongside a small country cemetery abandoned.
From Badia falls Rofeno farm, through a path right down and bottom in clay. When the season is dry, it is recommended that the alternate path paved, although longer.
Made a hundred yards on the right of the first curve, you take a rather bumpy dirt road that comes down the road that connects Asciano in Lucignano d'Arbia going from Montauto.
Taking left again, after a few meters, leads back to the provincial-Monteroni Asciano. Proceeding this time on the right, you reach the starting point after a few kilometers downhill.
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