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034 Tarsia pavimentale del Transetto sinistro - Cacciata di Erode Siena
Artist: Benvenuto di Giovanni
Year: 1485
Current location: Cattedrale di Santa Maria Assunta
Original location: Cattedrale di Santa Maria Assunta
The first scene we find is the Expulsion of Herod, great scene designed in 1485 by Benvenuto di Giovanni (restored in 1869-1878), surrounded by a fine frieze made up of pairs of lions separated by a frieze, designed by Sebastian Francis in 1484. The subject is taken from the Jewish Antiquities of Josephus, the text of which is shown in the table, made in the middle of the dark sky and supported by four angels in flight. At the center of the scene is dominated by the depiction of a fierce battle, this is a very rare iconography of Siena. The historical city of Siena and left looks like its walls. Representation in the leading position of the eagle's nest attacked by a snake, in the center near the fortress, is probably a reference to the events of 1482 relating to the expulsion of Pandolfo Petrucci from the city.
034 Tarsia pavimentale del Transetto sinistro - Cacciata di Erode