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Il Locale Di Guido Siena

Il Locale Di Guido
5310 TAVERNE D'ARBIA via Principale, 46
Telephone 0577 366199
Fax 0577.366199
Mobile phone: 347 2949092
Time: 6,30 - 15,30 e 18,00 - 23,30
Closed: Lunedì
Website: http://www.illocalediguido.it
Business card (vCard)
This local traditional dining is located near Siena and more specifically, along the path leading to that beautiful land better known as the "Crete Senesi".
The kitchen of the restaurant offers dishes and classic wines of Tuscan tradition.
Not missing, however, the possibility of a quick meal by requesting a nice pizza, among the many available on the menu, or opt for a full second meat on the grill.
And if you want to complete the room with a pleasant hint of sweetness, there are no problems here is the best traditional Sienese sweets available, handmade and baked.
Let's talk about Gingerbread, Gingerbread, Ricciarelli and Seahorses, maybe served with a glass of Vin Santo local.
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