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Cappella dei Nove - Palazzo Comunale Siena

Cappella dei Nove - Palazzo Comunale
Chapel of the Nine - Town Hall
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Following some work to redefine the interior of the Palace , at the beginning of the fifteenth century , was built a new chapel wider than the existing ground floor and continues to operate having the ' input from the field . The new environment , built with taste again underlined by the Gothic vaults, had to meet the religious needs of the increased attendance inside the City .
Of its decoration was commissioned Taddeo di Bartolo , one of the most valuable artists who, while falling back on established forms of the great Sienese school of a century earlier, could somehow raise the quality of painting the town, after a period of stagnation susseguito the epidemic plague of 1348 which, in addition to decimate the population , had greatly reduced the client .
Thaddeus realized in the Marian Chapel five stories , from the Annunciation , above the altar , with four great scenes placed on the left wall that depict : The Farewell by the Apostles , The Death of the Virgin, The funeral of the Virgin Mary 's Assumption . The plant late Giotto 's composition does not diminish the monumental character and scenic .
But the peculiarity of the Chapel of the Palazzo Pubblico resides mostly in the preservation of the ' original furnishings , including beautiful wooden choir , carved and inlaid by Domenico di Niccolò , between 1415 and 1428 . Dominic took a great reputation by this company , so that after you have done was nicknamed Dominic Choirs .
Even the fence that separates it from the rest of the environment dates back to the period of construction of the Chapel and manufactured by James fù of Life, in the 40s of the fifteenth century, perhaps using a previous project by Jacopo della Quercia.
The small but precious organ , located on the right side of the ' altar , dating to 1520 approx. and is the work of the organ Giovanni d ' Antonio Piffaro .
The music of the time there is a valuable reference even in times where Taddeo di Bartolo thirty- painted musical angels , each of which plays a different instrument , depicted with an absolute precisionei .
The altar , the work of Marrina , and the beautiful table of Sodom , representing The Holy Family with St. Leonard (1530 approx. ) , Come from the Duomo and were transferred to the Palace at the end of 1600.
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