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013 Tarsia pavimentale della navata centrale - L'aquila imperiale Siena
Year: 1374 e rifatto nel 1865
Current location: Cattedrale di Santa Maria Assunta
Original location: Cattedrale di Santa Maria Assunta
The representation is of a more decorative and is a wheel, or rather a large rose window of a cathedral, made of columns and arches. At the center stands the imperial eagle, the emblem of the Holy Roman Empire that recalls the loyalty of the Ghibelline city of Siena continuity with the Roman world, and the importance of the supreme civil power of the Middle Ages. Stylistically, although the box has been completely rebuilt in the nineteenth century, is dated to a period immediately following the Lupa, for use on the inlay technique.
013 Tarsia pavimentale della navata centrale - L'aquila imperiale