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Oratorio di Sant'Antonio Montepulciano

Oratorio di Sant'Antonio
via Ricci, Montepulciano
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The Oratory of Saint Anthony, known as Oratory of the Knights of Saint Stephen, is situated on one of the main streets in the upper part of the historical center ,close to Piazza Grande. The Knight Order of Saint Stephen was founded by Cosimo Ist de Medici on august 22nd, 1554, to defend Tuscan seas from barbarian pirates. Its main center was in Pisa. To become part of the Order, one had to pass rigid tests to prove his noble origins. During early XVIIth century, Camillo Mancini, member of one of the most prominent families of Montepulciano at the time, having become knight of Saint Stephen, decided to build in his town a commandry and a church dedicated to his Order, bequeathing in his testament two thousand scudi (silver coins) invested in the Mont de Pietè in Florence for such purpose. The heir of the commandry, Cavalier Poliziano Mancini and his brother, the Archdeacon Lelio, in 1652, realized Camillo Mancini’s wish by building the small church of the Apostle Saint Giacomo, Pope Saint Stephen Ist and Saint Anthony from Padua. When the Mancini family became extinct, the Order of Saint Stephen took over the commandry; but in 1781, complying to Lelio Mancini’s will, that declared that if the Mancini family became extinct, the only heir would be the Chapter of the Cathedral of Montepulciano; a sovereign rescript attributes the commandry and its property to the Bishop of Montepulciano, to whom the oratory was handed over on January, 22nd, 1782. The one nave building, presents an interesting brick facade framed in travertine. The portal also is made of travertine with two emblements with carved fruit and flowers on the both sides of the architrave. The upper window and above it the star, symbol of the Order are also made in travertine. The church, presently headquarters of the Talosa District, remains a considerable example of noble devotion, where dynastic pride and religious faith mingle, and they\'re almost considered a political commitment.
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